When this happened they both panicked! this cud not be happening cud it? how can two people who ve nvr met each other fall for one another.. but they cudnt escape this sense of happiness and bliss... and decided on a plan.. the plan was for them to meet up when she wud be coming down from La La Land in December... untill that time they would be using the time to get to know each other more... the problem was the more the talked the more they got closer telling each other secrets that they had never shared with others before... he told her of his past encouters and shatterings of his brutalized heart and she told him of her past misfortunate experiences... they told each other of their plans for their respective futures and thats where things became a little hazy... you see he was some what of a floater who dint really know what he wanted where as she was a more methodical, strategic person who had a plan.. after much debate and talk he decided that the one thing he wanted in this world was to be with her and that he would go to any lengths to get what he wanted.. so the floater became a planner... and she figured out a way to include him in her plans and they started contemplating on a future together..
This future would all depend on decembers meeting where this would be clarified and decided.. but deep down inside they both knew what would happen... she d give him her concerned thoughtfull look... he d give her his boyish grin... and they d be hooked.. the future is already decided... he s found the savior of his soul and a love that would make him truely happy forever and she s found that someone who she d care for like none other and who knew how to make her happy... They both know its gonna take alot of work.. but its gonna be worth it at the end of the day when they she s their tightly snugged in his arms... and he feels the warmth of her body slowly bring life into his once cold heart again....
I found what ive been searching for...for so long... and now, nothings gonna take it away from me.. Nothing!!... My thoughts and heart are yours forever.... i cant wait to meet you my love in december and embark on this journey we have instore for us...
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