Thursday, December 11, 2008

So This Christmas!

hmm... what have I been upto the past year.. let me recall....

* blacked out for the first time on the 1st of jan.. brilliant way to start the new year init..

* went on cool ass trip to unnawatuna with a friend and his pallies, ended having a brilliant time there.

* lost friends and made a whole load of new ones.

* lost a bestfriend.. got her back.. lost her again.. got her back.. and the cycle continues..

* drank a hell of alot this year... became a fully fledged alcoholic.. no im not proud of tht...

* got my heartbroken

* broke other peoples hearts as well

* forgave a few old friends for what they did to me last year..

* witnessed more people from my class get married and one of them even had a kid... which scares the beegeezez out of me.

* stumbled upon kottu

* started my own blog

* got into a very sticky and complicated situation

* did things I never imagined I'd ever do

* gained a hell of a lot of weight.. which i cant seem to get rid of now =(

* went to a uni party where for the first time ever I dint dance at... cos i was blacked out on the couch lol..

* witnessed the best ever concert Lanka has ever hosted..

hmmm... cant think up of anything else... sigh.. still recovering from yesterday lol hehehehe...

BORED OUT OF MA MIND!!!! sure wish I 'd ve gone out tonight sigh....