Thursday, December 11, 2008

We Won!! We Won!!

Heheheeh.. Wooo Hooo!! we kicked them ACHE bums asses... even in the rain... oh man what a match... 33-5 bloody good score ne... I was actually nervous because I was playing in a position I've never played before.. outside center.. I'm usually a wing three-quarter... but it was no fuss.. hehehehe.. only problem was I dint get to tackle one guy even.. was a bit sad about that.. went in for a lot of hits but no tackles :( hehehe... but one thing our guys lacked was a bit of discipline and well fitness was low even for me... by the time the second half started I was already gone.. but I was shifted down to full back position and the new guys were brought in to the attack.. hehehe from there on.. ice thama lol... they had even got a trophy done the crystal trophy!! pissu sanda mole... dint expect that.... after the match.. we headed for the usual post-match dinner/booze session.. ended up going to Salaka and eating dinner and drinking old arrack... even got the refs there hehehe... after a few drinks the refs were like.. if any of you guys want to become referee's just tell us and we ll do something hehehe..... overall it was a brilliant day....

On a more serious note... why is it that when it comes to women I get into a cycle of either hurting them or them hurting me... sigh.. I want to break this freaking cycle... I want to have a healthy relationship sigh.. I think I'm gonna go MIA from the dating world for sometime... get my head cleared out.. spend some quality alone time with myself.. scary as that sounds.. Right well its back to practices on Monday got the SLIIT match coming up on the 20th.. thats the important one.. gonna beat those arses to a pulp this year!!