Sunday, November 30, 2008

Of Hangovers and Onstage Finals

Oh man what a wild and wacky weekend I've had.... Things you shouldn't spend your weekend doing.

Friday Night

GOT ABSOLUTELY WASTED!!!! there was this uni party for the new batches at SSC.... and it was a friends birthday as well.. so head to bloemfield and went through 12 bottles of old arrack... before heading to SSC where i nicked a bottle of smirnoff from god knows where which was 3 quarter empty and drank it all neat... NOT a pretty sight... If you happen to be at the SSC and you saw a guy passed out on the couch... chances are that was me.... :$ thank god I had a ride home... came home.. at like 2.. managed to strip off my clothes and crash..... resulting hangover was NOT good... couldn't even keep water down.. for most of the day....


After suffering from a major hangover... I had to come back to colombo to meet a lecturer at uni.. because he still hasn't approved my PPF.... and then met up with a friend of mine who came down from aussie....had lunch with her at Queens... and went to excel world after that.. met up with a few more people.. then went to visit my friends mom who s in hospital... then came back home... and got ready for onstage and went for it.... man oh man!! it was AWESOME!!!!
CIVILIZATION ONE!! was brilliant!!! I head banged so much my neck still hurts.. and my ears are still ringing and I've lost my voice as well... it was soooo majorly worth it!! and I got in for free too... hehehe thanks to M.o.M herself who bought me a ticket as my birthday present... =D... as usual the beer their sucked!! but it was nice to meet lots of old friends who I hadn't met up with awhile... saw the Ex-Bestfriend and Ex-Friend there as well... but you know what.. I just didn't care anymore.. the music was too good and they didn't ruin my mood.. so cheers to that... went back to F's place and crashed...


Came home ate around 3 in the afternoon got a nice scolding by my parents... showered.. ate.. slept... said the usual round of congratulations to Mackie, Losharn, Myya and Dilshan the Nemesis gang who won the comp!! They were brilliant btw!!! Fade to Black, an original of theirs called Half-Cocked and for the acoustic round... Nadee Gangaa.. PURE BLISS!! they so totally deserved the title of BEST BAND. oh man my neck still hurts!! sigh..... I'd sooo love a neck massage right now... any takers??? hehehehe...

Hope you all had a good one as well.. and heres to a great week!! =D


realskullzero said...

hehehe...dude!! freakin Smirnoff..!! Hangover atom bomb!! Yeah u need a gallon of water besides you after!

Man! Onstage was pretty damn happa eh?? one of d best moshes hv exams this week, but cudnt resist those buggers!! lol

FINroD said...

@ Jerry - No No men..i remember nicking a smirnoff men.. but i have no recollection of from where... i was pretty hammered when i got to SSC but the smirnoff was the one tht did me in.. oh and yeah ur bro told me u were there at the SSC on friday.. idiot u shudve given me a buzz ne...

@ RSZ = yeah man... Civilization One was AWESOME!!!dude there was Stage Diving, Mosh pits and head banging all over the place.. simply PURE BLISS!! although something did kind of happen which got me all confused but thts for another post..