Thursday, December 4, 2008

How Drunk is Drunk Enough?

so I was watching this movie the other day called " The Legend of the Baggavance" or something like that.. it has cherlize theron, will smith, matt damon in it.. its basically some blooming golf movie but there was one part in it where it kind of got my attention... theres this one scene where this boy comes searching for matt damon who's a wash out golfer... and he's in a barn with a few men drinking and playing cards... the boy asks a question there... How drunk, is drunk enough? and this is what matt damon replies...

"Rannulph Junnah (Matt Damon): Now, the question on the table is how drunk is drunk enough? And the answer is that it's all a matter of brain cells

Hardy Greaves(The Kid): Brain cells?

Rannulph Junnah(Matt Damon): That's right Hardy. You see every drink of liquor you take kills a thousand brain cells. Now that doesn't much matter 'cos we got billions more. And first the sadness cells die so you smile real big. And then the quiet cells go so you just say everything real loud for no reason at all. That'ok, that's ok because the stupid cells go next, so everything you say is real smart. And finally, come the memory cells. These are tough sons of bitches to kill."

hehehehe I was like Damn!! thats so true....


ShaiStar said...

rather hilarious hehehe

Sachintha said...

LOL that's nice...