Thursday, December 18, 2008

In Sickness & in Health

I really hate being sick.. absolutely detest and loathe it... when I get sick I get cranky, I get mean. I become a down right pathetic moronic hateful loathsome bastard.. When I get sick I get sick BAAD and I mean BAAD!! heres a list of things that piss me off right now:-

It pisses me off:-

that I might have to miss my match on Saturday on the count that I can barely breathe right now.

that I'm missing today's Christmas party because I'm too sick to attend it.

that someone changed their status to "in a relationship".

that I've screwed up my attendance at uni and these SOB's will never let it go even though I've been sick.

that it keeps on raining every fucking day.

that I can't understand jack of whats been taught at uni.

that someone called me a whiny, spoilt baby.

that other people are happy ( yeah yeah whatever.. DIE U FOOLS)

Now piss off and leave me alone!


DeeCee said...

ah so THIS is why you were grumpy on my blog... ok here goes...

It pisses me off:-

missing the match - take lots of orange juice, chick soup...and medicineee!

Christmas party - there'll be more coming up!

changed their status - good for them. sad sods who put their whole life on fb.. :P :P :P

screwed up my attendance..- hm...isn't there a pretty cordinator you can flirt with? take a medical with you.. :>

keeps on raining - rain is lovely! :D take an umbrella and enjoy the weather. (unless ur going by bus - if u are not - shame on you! - imagine the poor ppl who have to take public transport everyday in this slush!)

can't understand jack - mm...get a friend to help u. or ask the lecturer. I used to be such a pain in the neck to mine...true granger style (um..harry potter reference)

whiny, spoilt baby - least people are honest with you :D

people are happy - well we're all on a frikkin high half the time anyway. the other times just sluggin through life macho..

Now piss off and leave me alone! - NO I WONT. :P :P :P

TheWhacksteR said...

jeez what a whine spoilt post ;) all the best for the match